Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Thing #23

I actually had quite a few favorites: Rollyo, Library Thing, Del.icio.us, image generator, Webquests, Google docs and Open Office.
A lot of the items were new to me while others were partially familiar. 23 Things has been a great learning experience. My thanks to all the Kickball Captains for putting this tool together. I never would have been exposed to as many tools as this, even if I signed up for every workshop our Tech person teaches.

Technology has always been intimidating. I think partly because I have never seen how fun and effective it can be. I still have a long way to go so am grateful these tools will still be available for constant referral and tutorials. Going through this course in only 4 weeks has been a challenge. I understand the necessity of each item so can't say what could be eliminated but feel I needed twice as much time in order to fully explore and comprehend all the diverse uses of the tools. Yes, I would be interested in participating in another program.

Two words to describe 23 Things: enlightening and motivating
Thank you again!

1 comment:

VWB said...

please reconsider your choice of color for text...it is very hard to read and I know you have good thoughts!