Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Thing #23

I actually had quite a few favorites: Rollyo, Library Thing, Del.icio.us, image generator, Webquests, Google docs and Open Office.
A lot of the items were new to me while others were partially familiar. 23 Things has been a great learning experience. My thanks to all the Kickball Captains for putting this tool together. I never would have been exposed to as many tools as this, even if I signed up for every workshop our Tech person teaches.

Technology has always been intimidating. I think partly because I have never seen how fun and effective it can be. I still have a long way to go so am grateful these tools will still be available for constant referral and tutorials. Going through this course in only 4 weeks has been a challenge. I understand the necessity of each item so can't say what could be eliminated but feel I needed twice as much time in order to fully explore and comprehend all the diverse uses of the tools. Yes, I would be interested in participating in another program.

Two words to describe 23 Things: enlightening and motivating
Thank you again!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Thing #12

Back to blogging.
Enjoyed reading Drakes Takes on responding to comments. It all depends on how you view the purpose of your blog. Some say it's strictly for learning and reflecting on this, so don't feel a great need to respond to comments. Others say then why blog.
Blogging is also a social network where ones interact building a community. Basically it's your blog as Melanie and Shannon say in the podcast and you decide. They agreed on some aspects but not everything. If you feel you have the time and focus, blogging can be a lot of fun for outside interests and work interests. Visited a few outside blogs from Technorati. Visited Mother Earth's Garden, clicked on a couple of tags, wow! Many many more.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Thing #22

Liked playing around on the 3 nings. It struck me as a site you can go to and relax. Seeing fellow librarians almost face to face,
realizing that they are all trying to improve and help others at the same time. Noticed the Teacher Ning had lesson plans.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Thing #21

Holding my place. I have been working and am still working on the podcast. I first tried a slide show through Garageband but could not get it to move past the first page. Then I made a video with imovie but can send it though e-mail (but that's not what the assignment is). So today I made an audio through Audacity but am still missing something to get it posted. I will keep trying. This one has been the most difficult. I'm obviously missing something here!

Thing #20 TeacherTube

You've got to have a little humor every once in a while with Math.

Thing #20 YouTube

There are several videos of the LOC. I loved it when the young man said he remembered learning about this on "Reading Rainbow".

Thing #19

This was like a playground.  Checked out Lulu, last.fm., Docstoc & BBC player.  The videos can not be viewed in the US yet, but radio channels are available.  

Thing #18

It's pretty amazing this product is compatible on both PCs and Macs and free.  It was easy to find
the answer I needed on the support page.  Have not downloaded but am really considering this.
A terrific way to save school districts money without taking away from anyone.

Thing #17

What a wonderful research tool.  It's like you're creating your own database. Students should certainly benefit by this.  Less distractions and better resources.   The video was very informative.  

Thing #16

You can spend hours on this, surfing the wikis and the blogs on them!  Posted on Sandbox without stress and chewed nails.  Do I see a light at the end of the tunnel?